Trip to South America. Coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention measures

At we want to reassure our customers that we have issued all our drivers with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommended guidelines for basic protective measures against the new coronavirus (COVID-19). Your health and safety, as well as that of our drivers, is our top priority. Now, more than ever, we understand your need for total peace of mind. As such, we have informed all our drivers to carry out the following safety and prevention measures.

Hand hygiene

Our drivers sanitize their hands before and after every service, using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser and there is hand sanitiser available for passengers.


All drivers and guides will wear a mask and have made compulsory for all customers over the age of 5 to wear a mask too.

Vehicle disinfection

Drivers will disinfect the vehicle in between every service by wiping down door handles, seatbelts, armrests, window buttons and other areas with antiseptic wipes.

Air Conditioning

Based on the information we currently have, open windows is the preferred option but if customers wish the aircon to be switched on, it will be set to bring clear air into the vehicle, not on the re-cycle mode.

Social distancing

Drivers will assist customers when assistance needed with their luggage, making sure drivers wear gloves and sanitise their hands after helping the passengers. We ask customers to avoid shaking hands and other forms of physical contact.

Check drivers health conditions

If at any point one of your drivers shows any covid-19 symptoms, they will be quarantined for 14 days and anyone else within the business that has been in contact with them will also be quarantined. Their vehicle will also be taken out of service until it has been completely sterilised.

Local COVID19 regulations

We follow local, national and international legislation and health guidelines by the World Health Organisation on road passenger transport to keep guidelines updated.